San diego Staycation

My fiancé and I escaped to a serene staycation at the most beautiful and peaceful hotel in San Diego. Nestled amidst lush gardens and offering breathtaking California coastal views, this haven provided the perfect location for quality time together. We savored every moment, starting our days with delightful cups of tea and coffee on the sun-drenched terrace. The hotel's restaurants were nothing short of spectacular. Our room was so spacious with a beautiful view of the “adults only” pool (they have one for families as well). Our afternoons were spent wandering around the massive property. Moments like this really allow us to disconnect from the world and reconnect together as a couple. This staycation was a perfect blend of relaxation and romance and I vlogged the experience you can watch here. I tried my best to be as present as possible while just capturing quick snippets of what we did to share with you because I absolutely loved this property.


Escaping From The Daily


Quality Time in Malibu