12 Steps to Self-Care

It's officially week four of quarantine, and it's safe to say that I feel like I'm losing my mind. This journey has made me realize how incredibly important self-care is. If you're not in the best head space right now, don't stress. Practice these 12 self-care steps daily and I promise that it'll give you a burst of positive thoughts, positive energy, and ultimately a more positive outlook on life. We all need that right now.

12 steps to self care:

1. Drink 8 glasses of water every day

2. Say what you mean

3. Be true to yourself

4. Practice gratitude

Anyone that knows me knows that I'm not a homebody. Like at all. To paint the picture, I bought a one-way ticket to New York City when I was 20 and moved here within two months of graduating college. I originally didn't tell my parents about the ticket or me wanting to move. Not at all because I don't love them dearly or respect them, but because I wanted to make the decision completely on my own. I was always very stubborn like that. But I also trusted myself enough, and loved my parents enough, that I wanted this decision to be made completely by my own thoughts and judgment so that if I ever in the future had any regrets, then I could never put any blame on anyone else but myself. No matter how far away from home I am, I always feel just as connected to my family and friends. I've always known that I love to explore, and travel far away from "home" and my comfort zone. Those moments are very exciting, and different from my ordinary life. And I never feel alone or scared during moments of uncertainty.

5. Don’t speak bad about yourself

6. Follow your dreams

7. Don’t be afraid to say no

8. Make time for yourself

Quarantine has thought me so much. I couldn't even fit all of my thoughts on one page. It has really changed my life. The way I see things, and the way I go about my normal "day to day" will never be the same. The moments I start to think about it, my brain goes off into a whole realm of deep thinking, questioning, and realizations. I completely understand the benefits of staying home during this pandemic. You'll help stop the spread and ultimately save lives, so please don't take this lightly! However, I know we're all dealing with this in different ways. And for me personally, I have found myself in a spiral of adding too many things to my to-do list. I feel the pressure to get so much done. Am I the only one feelings this way??

9. Be kind to yourself

10. Let go of what you can’t control

11. Stay away from drama and negativity

12. Love endlessly

I know that a lot of us are feeling all sorts of emotions during this time. I'm for sure a rollercoaster. Throughout the day, I'll feel all sorts of emotions. I can be stressed, happy, peaceful, scared, anxious, sad, content, angry, joyful, and everything in between. And the only way I've ever known to deal with stress is to be busy and force my mind to pre preoccupied with other tasks. Hence why I'm shooting content for Instagram, Tiktok, and YouTube every day, and am also handling everything with my clothing line. Collection 2 is coming Summer 2020!

How are you guys handling this quarantine? I'm always here for you if you ever want to chat. Just shoot me an email ♥ gergana@fashionismyforte.com!


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